Ambit Crafts a Sustainable Workspace for Patron Capital

Collaborating with Patron Capital we embarked on a journey to transform their new workspace at 33 Glasshouse Street, a stone’s throw away from the iconic Piccadilly Circus. Our team beautifully redefined the 7018 sq ft space, creating a workspace that places employee wellbeing at its core. We utilised our expertise in eco-friendly practices, reusing glazing and doors to minimise waste. Technical precision was vital, especially when installing a climbing wall and relocating the heating system beneath the floor. Despite constraints on structural modifications, we met Patron Capital's vision for a traditional yet functional workspace. We prioritised Patron Capital’s client experience by including hidden storage solutions and designed clear zones to separate client areas from workstations. Despite the intricacies involved in the project, we ensured that every aspect was executed with precision and efficiency.

Discover the full case study here.